Vincent Van Gogh was an injured stray that was seeking refuge at a trailer park in a rough area of Tucson in 2010. A concerned resident called SDR and the rest is history! Over $2,300 was raised to cover the cost of his surgery. Full recovery thanks to Dr. Alexis Moreno.
Micky and Minnie
This brother and sister Micky and Minnie had a 50% chance of living when they were pulled from the kill shelter at four months old. As you can see they had severe mange along with bad Upper Respiratory Infections and shallow breathing.

Sweetie was attacked by 4 other dogs and almost died. Her recovery was long but well worth it!
Baby, formerly known as Jasper, was a severe mange pup rescued from a kill shelter in California.
Babar had a huge Valley Fever Tumor that was so bad he was only using 3 legs. He’s now in complete remission and is spoiled rotten in his new home.
Tonka was a severe mange puppy rescued from the near certainty of death at a high kill shelter. After just a few months he had almost doubled in size and he now has a beautiful brindle coat.
Faith is blind and severely diabetic, but is now living the high-life, and is doted upon by her loving owners.